Lodge No. 323
Stated Meetings:
First Thursday of the Month
Jan-Jun/Sep-Dec @7:30 PM
52 W Main Street
Clarksville, OH 45115
Clarksville Lodge No. 323
Chartered October 16th, 1860
In October of 1860 a Charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Ohio to create Clarksville Lodge #323. There were 24
charter members.
The first Master of Clarksville Lodge was E. T. M. Williams, serving from 1861 to 1866.
Right Worshipful Brother Glenn Hollingsworth, 33rd Degree from Clarksville Lodge served as an 8th District Deputy
Grand Master from 1967 to 1969.
Worshipful Brother Robert Sargent served as District Education Officer from 1993 to 1995.
Worshipful Brother Steve Duncan served as the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of Ohio in 2003 – 2004.
Cheyenne Duggins served as Worshipful Master in 2004 – 2005. He has also been elected Worshipful Master for the bi-
centennial year of 2008. Also, DDGM as of 2020.
More History…A dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Ohio to form a new Lodge in Clarksville was granted in April
1860. Recommended by Morrow Lodge #265 and Harveysburg Lodge #312. A charter was granted in October 1860.
There were twenty-four charter members. Stated communications were, Thursday evening on or preceding each full
moon, the reason for this was if the weather was fair, it would be moonlight for the brethren to travel to and from
meetings. Time of meeting; September to March, 6:00 P.M. Summer months at 7:30 P.M. The first Master was E.T.M.
Williams, serving from 1861 to 1866. W.B. Williams was the last surviving Charter member when his death occurred in
1909. He had been an active member for 49 years. In 1902 the Charter and records (except the records for the first
eighteen years, which one of the officers had at home, and the history of the first forty years, which had just been
written by Bro. George Wilkerson), furnishings and paraphernalia of the Lodge were destroyed by fire. In 1910, after fifty
years, the membership had grown to fifty-one. Clarksville Lodge presently meets in a building which was presented to
them by Bro. Joseph Nicholson. The Nickolson family and their decedents have been active members of this Lodge for
five generations. Bro. William Settlemyer is a fifth-generation member of that family. The Lodge had grown to 55
members in 1935 when the Lodge observed its 75th year. On the 100th anniversary in 1960, the Most Worshipful
Brother Charles K. Cunningham, Grand Master and other Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ohio met in
Reconsecration ceremonies. At this meeting the Lodge also paid tribute to their charter members and all deceased
members who had the foresight and determination to establish an institution that has been for the betterment of this
community, and after over 100 years has grown to membership of 116.Since then the Lodge has been honored by
having the following members honored. R.W.B Glenn Hollingsworth, 33rd Degree, served as District Deputy Grand
Master of the Eighth Masonic District from 1967-1969, W.B. Robert Sargent served as District Lodge Education Officer
from 1993-1995 and W.B. Steven A. Duncan served as Grand High Priest from 2003-2004 and received his 33rd Degree
in September 2004.
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