RWB William M. Carter III, Deputy Grand Master, has announced his schedule of rollout programs for the summer of 2024.
RWB Carter’s 13 rollout programs will be presented across the state starting on August 2nd, 2024. The rollout program presentation is designed to inform the Brethren and their Ladies regarding the plans to be implemented during the 2024-2025 Masonic Year. Your Ladies are encouraged to attend the event. The dress code for the rollouts will be business casual – please come dressed in your favorite Masonic polo or button-down shirt!
RWB Carter and Lady Zoe are looking forward to visiting with the Brethren and their Ladies all around the state this summer!
The 8th District Deputy Grand Masters highly encourage all incoming (2024-2025) Masters to attend one of these sessions!
2024 Deputy Grand Master’s Rollout Schedule:
August 2, 7 pm, Vandalia Lodge #742, 246 N. Dixie Dr., Vandalia
August 3, 7 pm, Amelia Lodge #590, 290 Judd Rd., Amelia
August 4, 2 pm, Scioto Lodge #6, 57 E. Main St., Chillicothe
August 9, 7 pm, Quarry Lodge #382, 366 Eastland Rd., Berea
August 10, 9 am, Cortland Lodge #529, 3263 Everett-Hull Rd., Cortland
August 11, 2 pm, Guernsey Lodge #66, 730 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge
August 12, 7 pm, Canton Lodge #60, 836 N. Market Ave., Canton
August 17, 7 pm, University Lodge #631, 2436 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Columbus
August 18, 2 pm, Paramuthia Lodge #25, 12 W. Carpenter St., Athens
August 19, 7 pm, Ashland Lodge #151, 31 W. 11th St., Ashland
August 24, 2 pm, Bellevue Lodge #273, 1108 Castalia St., Bellevue
August 24, 7 pm, Wood County Lodge #112, 159 N. Main St., Bowling Green
August 25, 2 pm, Lima Lodge #205, 2165 N. Cole St., Lima
Fraternally and cordially, RWB Jackie D. Butler II District Deputy Grand Master Freemasonry Builds Things! Friendship>Membership>Brotherhood Super 8th Masonic District 937-733-5044 |
RWB Dale L. Sullenberger District Deputy Grand Master Super 8th Masonic District 727-204-9039 c c |