The Masons of the 2nd Masonic District extend a cordial invitation to attend the 215th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ohio.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Dayton Masonic Center, Dayton, Ohio
All details will be available “ONLINE’ beginning Monday, July 1, 2024. Visit
All information you need about the 2024 Grand Lodge including schedule of events, times, and locations
Any questions contact: Grand Lodge of Ohio
OTHER NOTES: The **215th Annual Communication** of the Grand Lodge of Ohio will be held on **October 18th, 2024** at the **Dayton Masonic Center** in Dayton, Ohio. All Lodges must be represented, per Section 5.02 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws. The Master, Senior and Junior Wardens are the Lodge voting delegates and should be present. If for any reason one of these officers cannot be present, then any Elected Officer or Past Master in good standing can represent your Lodge if they have a signed proxy from one of the top three officers. Remember to bring your own apron and your dues card. All Lodges should have received communications from Grand Lodge with complete details; please read carefully. Note: Lodge Per-Capita Dues must be paid by 31 August.